{ "message": "You should use slots with <ContentRenderer>", "value": [ { "title": "Hello World! My First Blog Post", "excerpt": "This was the first blog post I placed on my site! It was primarily used as a test but also contains some thoughts on my site's composition.", "slug": "hello-world", "tags": [ "nuxt/vue", "coding", "learning", "favourites" ], "created": "2023-03-16", "updated": "2023-04-04", "_id": "content:live:2023-03:HelloWorld.md" }, { "title": "Measures of Success", "excerpt": "People measure success in many ways. I only use 2, Work Output & Coworker Impact. In this post I discuss what I mean by that and why raising others up is so important to me.", "slug": "measures-of-success", "tags": [ "personal", "work-culture", "favourites" ], "created": "2023-03-25", "updated": "2023-03-25", "_id": "content:live:2023-03:MeasuresOfSuccess.md" } ], "excerpt": false, "tag": "div" }